Ma Bella Guinto Senior Consultant

Bella Guinto has a long and substantial experience in solid waste management and pollution prevention which enables a solid ground to deliver any solid waste project. Bella has over 20 years of on-the- ground experience in the waste sector which include: development of waste management strategy, action plans, and operational systems, monitoring compliance to waste regulations, oversight of waste service operations, waste contract management, waste audit and reporting, stakeholder engagement, capacity building, among others. Her experience spans across the Pacific Region as solid waste management adviser, and in Australia, New Zealand and the Philippines working in the local governments to address day-to-day issues in the waste sector. Bella spent almost seven years in the Pacific Region as solid waste management adviser providing technical assistance and strategic direction to the Pacific Island countries. This enabled her to build up relationships with the countries. Bella is an advocate of waste minimisation which is reflected in most of her technical advice. Her strategic perspective was also utilised with her active involvement in the development of the Pacific Regional Waste and Pollution Management Strategy (Cleaner Pacific 2025), the blueprint of waste management in the Pacific.

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